Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Sexual Exploitation of Women in the Developing World Essay -- Sex Slav

evolution of Women in the Developing WorldThe modern world today is proud to recognize the equality that has been acknowledged between age, gender, and race. Women are beginning to be treated as equals with men, in new customs, lifestyle, society, and economy. Today, women are freer and are emancipate from their traditional roles as housewives, and are pursuing their hopes and dreams. However, this is not the case in many regions of the world. In the developing countries, thousands of females are dehumanized by whoredom and the trafficking of women and children is dehumanizing which serves simply to benefit men. It exploits and violates the rights of women in the developing world. Sexual exploitation, which includes sex tourism, bride trade, temporary marriages, and sexual violence such as rape, incest, and sexual harassment, has escalated throughout the 20th century and has perish an enormous concern. Today, slavery is defined as a social and economic relationship in which a pe rson is controlled through violence or its threat, pay nothing, and economically exploitedsex trafficking is a modern day form of slavery (Bales). The reason why governments do not help the women in prostitution is because the sex industry generates profits amounting to billions of dollars, necessary to pay off the countrys debts. The governments convince themselves, and the public, that they help facilitate womens employment opportunities and statistics by legitimizing prostitution. politically vulnerable and economically weak countries were opened up as tourist destinations, and large numbers or male tourists bought sexual adventure in external countries as the businesses of the sex tourism were established. The promotion of sex tourism generated generous amounts of income for the sex industry as well as for the government, due to the vacations that people from develop countries take to take advantage of these foreign prostitutes. In some cultures, the established role of femal es has been long facilitated by the traditional systems of religion, resulting to prostitution. Trafficking is assisted by recruiters (who accompany the char to the new country), the traffickers, and the pimps who are in centering of the brothels and sex clubs that the women end up in. Although there is an extensive amount of evidence that these people are in charge of the continuation o... ...uld not be tolerated they have the human right to live freely in a society without turning to prostitution as the sole(prenominal) way to survive.Works CitedBales, Kevin. New Slavery A Reference Book. California, 2000.Budapest Group, The Relationship Between Organized Crime and Trafficking in Aliens. Austria International Centre for Migration polity Development, June 1999.Canadian Woman Studies, Migration, Labour and exploitation, Trafficking in Women and Girls. York University Publication, 2004.Clark, Bruce and Wallace, John. Global Connections Canadian and World Issues. Prentice Hall, T oronto, 2003. Pearson Education Canada Hechler, David. Child Sex Tourism. New York Dont debauch Thai. May 2001International Organization for Migration, Trafficking and Prostitution The Growing exploitation of migrant women from Central & Eastern Europe, 1995.International Organizations for MigrationLucky Star Online Casino, Prostitution and the Sexual Exploitation of Women, 2002.Peoples Daily Online, Chinese Proposes Efforts to Eliminate Sexual Exploitation against Women, 2003.World Revolution, Overview of Global Issues, human rights and social justice, 2002.

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