Friday, May 3, 2019

Discuss the statement In the future, hierarchical management Essay

Discuss the statement In the future, ranked oversight constructions will be less evident. The worry of intellectual - Essay Example23). Hierarchical management grammatical construction is an governanceal structure in which each and every entity of an organisation follows a top down class-conscious level. It is true that the trend of hierarchical organisational management structure is shifting towards the court organisational management structure to lift organisational communication process between several departments of the organisation (Boxall and Purcell, 2007, p. 98). There are several advantages and significance of flatter organisational structure. It enhances decision making process, accomplishment cost control and better communication between the employees of different departments in an organisation. The essay will discuss on the statement that In the future, hierarchical management structures will be less evident. ... These economic issues and fluctuating global ec onomic environment will motivate the leading or the management of the organisation to adopt flatter organisational management hierarchy (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010, p. 31). Each and every organisation is trying to focus on the business routine cost reduction. It is highly important for the organisations to control the operation cost in order to ensure high profit maximisation (Buelens, Sinding, Waldstrom, Krietner and Kinicki, 2011, p. 69). Several leading organisations are adopting flatter organisational structure in order to reduce business operation cost. A flat organisational structure can be defined as an organisation structure with limited or no management level between the staff and management level employees. Flat organisation structure deals with low employee inspection (Burke, 2012, p. 36). The leaders in a flat organisation use to promote the employees and involve them in the decision making process. Organisation can gain huge benefit through flat organisational stru cture in this economic distress period. The major objective of flat organisation structure is to eliminate the level and salaries of midst management. This reduction in management level and salaries help the organisation to reduce overall business operation cost and budget of an organisation (Dawson, 2003, p. 84). In addition to this, flatter organisational structure elevates the level of responsibility of the employees in an organisation as this organisational structure brings more efficiency in the organisational communication process (Maylor and Blackmon, 2005, p. 89). As this organisational structure removes the excess layers of a management structure, the speed of coordination and communication

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