Sunday, May 26, 2019

Barbara Bush’s address to Wellesley College Graduates in 1990

Barbara pubic hairs address to Wellesley College graduates in 1990 has revealed significant inconsistencies in Bushs ability to evaluate unlike audience. In the light of several critical remarks and the desire to address Wellesley audience on equal terms, Barbara Bushs commencement address remains a intelligent example of ones inability to perform a thorough rhetorical research before a pitch is delivered to the target audience.This cogency sound snobby, but Barbara Bushs commencement speech at Wellesley did not produce the desired effect for the audience, the speech has turned into an instrument of humourous evaluation of Bushs rhetoric capabilities. Mrs. Bush started her speech with a special referral to Robert Fulghums story about pastor and a small young lady who wanted to be a mermaid. Now this little girl knew what she was and she was not about to give up on either her identity, or the game (Bush).Taking into report that Wellesley College is a purely female environment (female students only), Barbara Bush might have implied that women do have a chance to find their place under the sunlight furthermore, women should be able to protect their position and views against all odds.In reality, Barbara Bush was trying to emphasize the importance of diversity in education dwarfs, giants, wizards and mermaids were used as metaphors and plausibly referred to different ethnic groups. Diversity, life anything worth having, requires effort (Bush).Taking into account that 6% of Wellesley students atomic number 18 African Americans, and 26% are of Asian Pacific origin (Petersons Planner), Barbara Bush might have succeeded in embracing diversity issues in her speech, but she has evidently failed to make her speech humorous.It is very probable that in her speech Barbara Bush forgot that she was speaking to women graduates. Wellesley graduates had passed a long way to getting Bachelors degree in arts they were looking forward to finding their well-disposed place under sun.For some unknown reasons, Bush has initially placed special emphasis on the importance of marriage and children for women, forgetting about their future professionalism and life history growth. Although her referral to children must come first was very objective and correct, Bush seemed to speak about the importance of her own marriage, and not about those who were in front of her. Barbara Bush was trying to expand the boundaries of traditional female social vision for over fifty years it was said that the winner of Wellesleys annual hoop induce would be the first to get married. So I want to offer a new legend the winner of the hoop race will be the first to realize her dream (Bush). That passage could potentially become a very good ending of Bushs speech, but it has only created some other rhetoric controversy the linguistic parallel between the hoop race and the future professional life opportunities for Wellesley graduates contradicted the previous marriage-driven set of Bushs thoughts.ConclusionPublic speeches are the instruments of evaluating ones rhetoric abilities. Speeches are also the keys to ones true identity. Barbara Bushs commencement address to Wellesley graduate students is a bright example of how speeches should not be delivered. Various linguistic speech elements should be used appropriately to fit particular audience. Although Barbara Bush was trying her best to incite Wellesley graduates, her speech has been a set of separate contradicting thoughts.As a result, Bushs speech has turned into the means of evaluating her weak abilities to speak to hostile audience.Works CitedBush, B. P. Commencement underwrite at Wellesley College. 1990. American Rhetoric. 15 June 2008. http//www. americanrhetoric. com/speeches/barbarabushwellesleycommencement. htm.Petersons Planner. Wellesley College Overview. 2008. Petersons Planner. 15 June 2008. http//www. petersons. com/ugchannel/code/InstVC. asp? inunid=9608&sponsor=1.

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