Friday, May 31, 2019

Micheal Redkin and Math Basics :: essays research papers

In order to create a graph such as the one Ms. Redkin practice sessions to calculate the dispraise of her rental crime syndicate, first it must be recoverd which part of the information abandoned is the dependant versatile and which is the independent variable. In this case the independent variable is time (in years), and the dependent the protect of the house. Next create a graph with the given data, the independent variables on the x-axis and the dependent on the y.Graph and label the given data as points (4 yrs, $64000) and (7 yrs, $52000), allow the graph to represent the houses value from when it was new to 10 years after its purchase. Graph a note of hand from these two points, now you may follow the line to catch out the approximate value of the house at certain years of depreciation. In order to find the value of the rental house after ten years, follow the line previously graphed to 10 on the x-axis. The y value you should receive should be 40,000, and if you were scrutinizing for the value of the house when it was new, the graph shows $80,000 at 0 years. Another example of how this graph may be used is in finding which year the house reaches a certain value. In order to find out which year the houses value becomes 55,000 follow the graphed until you come upon the value of 55,000. The x value associated with the value 55,000 is 5 years, so the answer is the rental house pass on depreciate in value to 55,000 at 5 years.The slope of the line will be required to find many other answers to questions you may have cin one caserning the house and its depreciation. To determine the slope of the line,use the given points of (4,64000) and (7,52000) in the equation (y2-y1)/(x2-x1), that is determine the change in y divided by the change in x which is the slope. (52000-64000)/(7-4) is the specific equation we will need for this line, the solution, -4000 is the slope of the line once simplified. One way to use the slope is to formulate an equation which will relate the value of the house to the number of years depreciated. Let V viewpoint for the value, and t stand for the number of years it has been depreciated. To complete this equation we will also need to know the y intercept so we may use the

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