Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Globalization - Essay Example While such benefits either maintain or heighten the status of globalization, globalized progress occurs at the cost of the distribution of gains. Where considerable gains are obtained by rich nations or individuals, greater inequalities result, further causing potential conflicts within local settings and abroad. Another probable cost is perceived in the control of national economies which could shift from sovereign governments to other entities, typically leading to extreme nationalism or the rise to fundamentalist political movements (Intriligator). By examining an article about Fiat, written by Jorn Madslien, one may view and better understand a concrete scenario of how costs and benefits work under globalization. According to the article, Fiat’s intention to adapt to flexibility by splitting group to develop a division on non-car assets and merge economies upon integration with Chrysler and other huge manufacturing firms altogether reflect the author’s agreement to the position that places globalization on the necessity of interdependence.

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