Saturday, September 28, 2019

BMW Differentiates Itself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BMW Differentiates Itself - Essay Example BMW is one of the first firms to incorporate the idea in its vehicles in Europe and Asia markets. Its continued research has led to the adoption of efficient dynamics technology. The enhancements have led to the production of vehicles producing less than 140g of carbon dioxide per kilometer. The technology incorporates the interaction of electric motors and combustion engines in the vehicles as a strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The differentiation has increased its competitive advantage against rival firms because most customers are cautious about the pollution levels while purchasing vehicles (Mahnken, 2012). BMW has also launched the e0drive model that runs on electricity making it its first vehicle to use green energy. The BMW hydrogen runs purely on hydrogen fuel in an approach to conserving the environment. The differentiation took place in 2004 before most of the rivals had invested in environmental saving techniques in their production of automobiles. Secondly, BMW has employed latest technological enhancements in its vehicles. It has installed onboard diagnostics systems that can be used to monitor the car’s operational and management modes remotely. The company had a time advantage of installing the technology before most of its rivals. Moreover, the firm has used the knowledge to come up with strong and light vehicles to enhance speed through the use of carbon fiber materials. Technology has also facilitated changes in aerodynamics, transmission and safety of its customers; hence having a competitive advantage. Thirdly, BMW has integrated human emotions and with the production of its vehicles. Its designs awaken customer emotions and passions through providing the tastes and preferences of the customers. The automobile company has mostly ventured in luxury vehicles. Clients can customize their vehicles through by changing features such as color and physical looks while making their orders. The customer-firm connection is not found in

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