Friday, August 16, 2019

How to Fix Social Security Number Essay

The social security numbers (SSN) are used to identify participants in the federal government’s social security program, which uses public funds to provide retirement and disability benefits for those who those who are currently eligible, same benefits goes to the worker himself and his family. It is the Social Security Agency (SSA) that provides the social security number (www. standord. edu). The social security number is unique to every individual holder; this is why the government and other agencies used it primarily for identification and administrative purposes. Thus, it can be used for several transactions in the bank, in school or in the company where you work. However, it can be very vulnerable for identity theft. When such instances occur, several steps should be undertaken. If someone knew your number, he can acquire personal information’s about you and used your name either for work purposes or to get credit. File a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission through internet (www. consumer. gov/idtheft) or telephone (1-877-IDTHEFT [1-877-438-4338]). You can also check your social security statement to determine if there are errors in your earnings account. If someone uses your SSN for credit, contact the creditor who approved the credit then file a police report. Call or e-mail fraud department of any of the following credit agencies: Equifax, www. equifax. com; Experian, www. experian. com and TransUnion, www. transunion. com, to help fix your credit records (www. ssa. gov). You can ask them to place a flag on your records that requires the creditors to contact you before approving credits under your name and number, indicate how long your account will be flag and request for a statement on your credit report, however be sure to put your name and contact information for them to call you (www. pueblo. gsa. gov). Another option is to get a new SSN, however it is not guaranteed that it will solved the problem, and you can also contact the Security System for more of your inquiries (www. socialsecurity. gov). References Bechtel International Center. 2006, April 18. Social Security Number. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from, http://www. stanford. edu/dept/icenter/new/orientation/SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER. htm Social Security Online. 2007. Identity Theft And Your Social Security Number. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from, http://www. pueblo. gsa. gov/cic_text/money/idtheftssn/yourssn. html Social Security Online. 2008, January 14. When Someone Else Uses Your Social Security Number. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from, http://www. ssa. gov/oig/hotline/when. htm

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