Thursday, August 22, 2019

Analyze Vygotsky with my activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyze Vygotsky with my activity - Essay Example It allowed opportunities to interact with others and share their own observations, insights and conclusions regarding the activity. Observations in the implementation of the lesson plan included children talking to each other and commenting on their task. Vygotsky recognizes the â€Å"dialogic nature of all learning†. An individual engages in dialogues whether with others or just within his thoughts and this gives rise to care, concern, compassion for both oneself and others (Crawford, 2001). Interactions are likely to go through a process called intersubjectivity. This is when two people are engaged in a task and begin from different understandings but with interaction, comes to an agreed, shared understanding. This is usually manifested when children initially debate opposite arguments but upon more understanding of the concept because of listening to each other’s opinions, will both end up seeing the concept in one direction. Such intersubjectivity is apparent when the children choose from several nonstandard objects to measure with and may initially think differently from each other as to how many of those objects will be needed to measure a body part. The children may come up with different guesses, but upon validating their guesses with measurement, they come up with one answer. The lesson plan on measurements using non-standard objects is developmentally-appropriate for Kindergarten level. At this age, children need concrete materials familiar to them to make sense of some concepts. In this case, measuring with familiar objects becomes something the children can relate to. For them, knowing that one child is one popsicle stick taller than another is more meaningful to them than knowing that the child is three inches taller than another. It is because they actually know what a popsicle stick is and how it looks and estimate

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