Saturday, August 31, 2019


The learning objectives for these BUS 1100 Introduction to Business individual assignment are as follows: 1 . To provide an opportunity for the students to learn and understand the complex nature of organizations and the major Influencing factors upon them; 2. To gain practical Insights on the workings of the various business functional areas, their roles within business, their interrelationships and Interdependence. 3.To familiarize the dents with the nature of managerial actively and roles played by a manager In an organization. 4. To enable students to work Individually and to do more readings regarding the topic tested. TASKS As the head of your College's Marketing Department, you are required to address a group of potential investors on your organization's marketing strategies. Develop an outline with the key points that you would cover in your speech, including : Profiling of the marketSegmentation and Targeting strategies Marketing Mix strategies Marks – 20 marks Number of words required = 1000 words REQUIREMENTS 1 . All facts obtained must have proper referencing using Harvard referencing system. Cut and paste from other sources are not acceptable. 2. Start each chapter on a new page; numbered the pages (at the bottom centre) except for the Cover page and Appendices; sources of tables, graphs and other diagrams must be referenced. Considered as part of the write-up. 4.No requests for extension of deadlines will be entertained except for extenuating circumstances for such matters as illness, severe and Justifiable personal problems or other factors over and above those normally experienced by students, which may have adversely affected their performance (students must show evidence and proof of extenuating circumstances). Recommended Report Format 1 . Cover page 2. Assignment instruction 3. The assignment Introduction Segmentation Targeting strategies Conclusion 4. Reference list

Friday, August 30, 2019

Environmental Economics Essay

Agriculture has an instrumental role and close association in preservation and conservation of the environment and economic development. It promotes environment diversity and enhances the creation of artificial habitats. The green biomass that covers many fields forms a basis of aesthetic to the human emotions. Intensified uses of chemical in agricultural production threaten the above benefits that arise from agricultural fields. In the recent past, a growing concern has been raised with regard to the negative impact arising from agricultural related activities and policies. Legalization of substances such as pesticide and fertilizer enhance negative consequences on the environment. They contain toxic elements thus causes pollution of surface water and underground water, drainage of wetlands, air pollutions and loss of diverse life forms and habitats. Settlement scheme in implemented on fragile lands such swamps, disturbances the ecological balance in the area. Environmental issues can be resolve by promoting organic agriculture, establishing relevant institutions, formulation of legislation and policies. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) members agreed that reforms should, to the extent possible, simultaneously enable progress to be made on trade liberation and environment. They also agreed to uphold the need to integrate agricultural development with environmental issues. (OECD 1993, p, 24-50) The focus of this study is therefore to examine the risk of inorganic agriculture against organic agriculture on the environment and thereafter formulate alternative strategies to foster sustainability. Environmental issues are diverse and multi-disciplinary in nature since they cut across all sectors of the economy and cultures. Unsustainable agriculture and increase in populations in the world modifies environmental issues. Population increase exerts high pressure on the economic processes to stretch, in most cases beyond the natural sustainable limit, to accommodate the excess demand (Sandler, Todd. 1997, p, 34-73) In response, the world has embarked on intensified adoption to scientific invention and advancement in technological development to improve production. Organic means of production are therefore considered redundant and barbaric in favor of inorganic agriculture. Unsustainable means of production, consequently, have widened and continue to widen environmental global challenges that threaten to cripple and suffocate the world’s economy. Studies have shown that increased use of chemical, such as pesticides and fertilizers for production in farming activities perpetuates the environmental global challenges. This puts the future livelihood for mankind at a stake and uncertain. It is therefore important to examine environmental challenges attached to intensive use of chemical for agricultural production and thereafter provide an alternative strategy to enhance sustainability. (Dutch Committee, 1994, p, 30-50) Intensified use of chemical for production is largely attributed to agricultural and industrial revolution. Population has also influenced the need to use chemicals to increase food production to meet the ever growing world demand for food. Initially, the above means of agricultural production were common in Europe and Asian continent. Abject poverty in the world has created great desire and demand for technological innovation to increase food production. Globalization and scientific advancement has therefore provided a solution to the world food demand problem. However, the solution comes with a bundle of side effects. Technological and scientific information transfer, particularly, to African countries, where poverty is obsolete and unsustainable (Andersons, L. and Bruce, Yundle, 2001, p, 50-200) Over the last three decades there has been an increasing global use of chemicals for agricultural production. Traditionally, production was based on organic means thus less environmental concerns. Merchandised agriculture has raised the public concern over the nature of the problems that arises from agricultural production. These problems are diverse and wholly attributed to environmental pollution caused by intensified use of pesticide and fertilizers. (Uri, Noel, 1999, p, 23-123) The problems are aggravated by improper management of agricultural chemicals thereby causing serious environmental issues. These pose a great problem to the survival and well-being of humanity, particularly those living in developing world. This is because fertilizers and pesticides are agent of pollution to water bodies, food sources, land, air and vegetation. The development of agriculture production through specialization and intensification of land use in recent decades has given rise to a wide range of environmental effects, both within the agricultural industry itself and increasingly, externally to it. The recognition and understanding of these consequences of modern high technology agriculture developed in the 1970s and during the 1980s progress was made in addressing these impacts. Some problems still remain however and will be of increasing importance. (OCED, p, 177) The use of chemicals for agricultural production therefore will continue to compromise the environmental sustainability. The World Health Organization estimates that about a quarter of the diseases facing mankind today occur due to prolonged exposure to environmental pollution. Most of these environmental related diseases are however, not easily detected and may be acquired during childhood and manifest later in adulthood. The indiscriminate and excessive use of agrochemicals for crop protection represents by far the greatest threat to human health, to the genetic stock of the population and to sustain agriculture and environment. At a United Nations seminar in Nairobi Kenya in 1984, it was reported that almost 370,000 people suffer from pesticide poisoning and about 10,000annually die due to poisoning. Recently, the World Health Organization estimated 500,000 fatalities due to pesticide poisoning in developing world. This WHO’s report further claims that another 400,000 cases of poisoning were due to pesticide handling and usage. (Mervyns, p, 12) From the quotation above, it is clear that the impacts of agrochemical increases with time and magnitude. This kind of trend is unsustainable and therefore threatens the future of humanity. The impact of pesticide and fertilizer on human health is crucial and therefore should never be under-estimated. The traces of these chemical causes inhalation problems. Accumulation of the elements in the body system affects the free circulation of blood in the body. Biodiversity forms a basis upon which the world’s beauty, emotional fulfillment and aesthetic appeal are based. Agriculture spices up the aesthetic-array of the world. It also creates artificial habitats that shelter migratory organisms such as birds, insects and animals. It therefore follows that agricultural production is a gene bank for scientific development. Intensive use of pesticides and fertilizers puts the existence of nature in it natural form at stake. This is because chemicals kill organisms that perpetuate natural fertilization processes thereby hindering the natural form of nature stabilization. Chemical enhances the process of mutation. This leads to evolution of hybridized species of pests which are resistant to natural mean of pest control and at times even resistant to pesticides. Loss of biodiversity as a result of chemical use in agricultural production is therefore eminent. It has been reported that, â€Å"The first sub lethal effect of a pesticide on a bird was probably the eggshell thinning phenomena first described by Ratcliff. DDE, the stable metabolite of DDE is reported to be the cause of eggshell thinning and consequent decline in the breeding success of birds of prey. † (Mervyns, p, 78) Equity is a controversial aspect of resource distribution in the world. The gap between the rich and the poor is quite disheartening. Economic processes and advancement also work towards widening the gap. Commercialization of agriculture with intensive use of chemicals, poses environmental degradation. This consequently deprives the land of its ability to naturally produce food thereby lowering its production yield. The poor depend totally on the environment for their livelihood. Inorganic agriculture is a world’s strategy to check the gap between the poor and the rich. It is widely believe that many people in the world sleep without food for many days. Increased food production, will therefore help to resolve one of the greatest challenges that is threatening to tear the earth a part. However, inorganic farming has failed to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich. The efficiency of using chemicals to increase food production is questionable. Traditional means of production were more manual, labor intensive and time consuming with minimum negative impacts to the environment. Current means of agricultural production are merchandized and more efficient as compared with the traditional methods. However, with regard to the environmental challenges, the efficiency of inorganic production to address the abject poverty in the world is low. Ecology is defined as the domestic site of organism, knowledge and the sum of the relation of the surrounding world. It is a self sustaining environment. Ecology is always sensitive to changes. Introduction of foreign substances such as traces of pesticides and fertilizer modify the ecological characteristic and identity. Nutrients like nitrate and phosphate are normally washed down into water bodies when it rains. This initiates the process of eutrophication. Eutrophication is a process whereby the water experiences enrichment with nutrients of nitrate and phosphate. Consequently water lilies, phytoplasm and algae blooms to experience luxuriant growth. This phenomenon has negative impacts on the functions of the water body. In the first place, Algae bloom forms a green like layer on top of the water thereby hindering penetration of light to the water body. Due to high accumulation of substance in the water, decaying process increases. This causes a biological oxygen demand which leads to suffocation of aquatic lives in the water body. Bad smell arises from the water body as a result of decaying processes. The value of water for domestic use therefore reduces.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Poverty Case Essay

Question: Choose an issue of importance to you—the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope—and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation. My parents had a life where there were no three meals a day, no electricity and so many other things. They used to tell â€Å"you never know how bad poverty is until you experience it†. Poverty is the leading cause of death in every developing county. We all know about poverty but we do nothing to stop it. According to UNICF more than 22000 kids die every day because of poverty. The food that we waste everyday will be enough to remove world poverty. My parents and grandparents came from world of utter poverty. When I talk about poverty I know how bad it is and I want the new generation to everything they can to remove poverty. Have anyone gone hungry for a day or two? We all eat at least three meals a day but there are people in the world who don’t even have a single piece of bread to eat. Mahatma Gandhi once said â€Å"there are people in the world, so hungry that god cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.† We all are living in a country where we have everything but there are people in the world who have to drink dirty water to slake their thirst. In Africa more than 5000 kids die each day because of drinking dirty water. We all know about this but we do nothing to stop world poverty. Remember that today’s kids are tomorrow’s future. If we put the all the billionaires in the world together they may be able to remove world poverty from this world. According to human nature if we want to do something we have the ability to do it but no one is there to take the lead. As a 17 year old teenager I care about my fellow citizens and the coming generation. I don’t want them to see a world of poverty and death. I want them to see a world of evergreen sunshine. Poverty is not something that we can remove in two or three days. It takes time to remove world poverty. As a member of the new generation let’s all make sure that we show our kids that we are living in a country with no poverty.

The Wolseley Restaurant Business Plan Case Study

The Wolseley Restaurant Business Plan - Case Study Example The Wolseley provides accessible and low-cost foods to customers with the best quality, delicious coffee-based products and also entertainment opportunities to the hundreds of people in the area and the visitors of the hotels which are in a five-mile radius distance of the restaurant. The Wolseley has established itself as one of the best choices of London residents and also for the tourists and the people cities who come from nearby cities. The Wolseley restaurant provides a "complete and best-quality" afternoon experience for people looking for something that will become popular among London diners in a short time. The caf has simple intent. It provides a completely pleasurable, fleshly, yet casual coffeehouse and/or eating experience for many people in London and the people from other cities or tourists.  Customer services: The customers spend their money to enjoy a good time. They would have a bad experience if the services are not of the highest quality. Each of the staffs at Wolseley is supposed to be gracious, effective, and thoughtful.Marketing strategy: The Wolseley targets its audience in many effective ways. The location of the restaurant is in an accessible area of the city but many customers will need to be familiar with the products and services offered at the Wolseley restaurant/caf. Management techniques: The Wolseley has a firm appreciation on food, drinks, and labor costs. The eating/amusement/coffee-house experience for customers is delivered to them in a state that will not only inspire them to visit the restaurant again but encourages marketing techniques such as word-of-mouth which is accomplished by recommendations of the products and services to other customers. In the Wolseley, a proper list of products, management of the staff and workers, and controlling the quality of products is a key issue. The Wolseley is a caf, a restaurant and a coffeehouse altogether that provides fair-priced and delicious foods to the customers. In the coffe e-house, customers can offer coffee and espresso-based drinks, shaved-ices, fruit flavored and/or juiced drinks, and other drinks that can be typically offered by a coffee shop.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Questions on Human Rights Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Questions on Human Rights - Article Example For example, there are people with Down syndrome and still are able to perform everything logically. The same is the case of some people with mild forms of Autism. It is worth remembering that famous Winston Churchill who played an unforgettable role in the World War II and as a historian was dyslexic. In addition, Isaac Newton probably had Asperger’s syndrome. However, one cannot deny the fact that most mentally retarded ones are just like children, and hence are unable to make rational decisions. So, one can argue that as far as children are not allowed to vote, the same principle can be used in the case of mentally retarded people too. Thus, in total, one is forced to reach the conclusion that a lot more specifications are required to gauge the degree of retardation in individuals so that an accurate answer can be reached based on the kind and degree of retardation. Otherwise, the ones who are evidently retarded need not be allowed to vote. II There is still intense debate on the issue whether women should be allowed to serve in combat. In fact, women are gradually getting more and more roles in the military avoiding the combat frontline. However, in the case of women infantry, task crew, and combat pilot, there still remains a taboo. Those who are in favor of women’s role in active combat frontline argue that if women show enough physical capability and mental alertness to serve in the combat frontline, denying them a chance amounts to rank hypocrisy. Another point favoring women is that in the modern battlefield, technical expertise and decision making are more important than raw physical strength. The third point is that being forced to play secondary roles is a fact that keeps many patriotic females from joining military. So, by allowing them to have equal opportunities, their presence in the military can be ensured. This is all the more important considering the fact that the presence of women is inevitable for certain tasks like medical a ssistance, policing, intelligence gathering, and mediation. However, there are allegations and claims from the other side too. The first is that though a minority of females manages to show enough physical capacity to join combat, the vast majority ‘miserably fails’ (Willens and Smith). So, the claim that females should be allowed to serve in combat is on shaky grounds. Secondly, the so called courageous females allege sexual harassment in the hands of masculine military subculture. So, the argument is that incorporating females into the force can only lead to more problems and tension in the force, leading to a decline in morality of the men. This will seriously affect the quality of the force in group activities. In total, it becomes evident that there is no base for the argument that females should not be allowed to serve in combat. So, a reasonable conclusion is that the few females who show enough physical capabilities, courage and desire to serve in combat should be allowed to do so. III One can undoubtedly say that the perfect form of freedom allow people to do whatever they like if that only affects their own lives. If this is the case, not allowing people to sell their own organs is a denial of this basic right, according to many. This is so because ones organs are ones own property that one has the right to do anything with. Yet another point is

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Case study 3... I have copy and paste the instuctions below

3... I have copy and paste the instuctions below - Case Study Example This has increasingly attracted much focus as the next target by majority of Asian automakers. According to current statistics, several young people aged between 22- 30 years plan to purchase motor vehicles. Further, the same statistical data indicates that about 64% of females within this age group have already purchased a motor vehicle compared to 44% of their male counterparts (Nickell, 2012). In this regard, Asian automakers try to fulfill the desires of Gen Y by availing them with what they need in a unique way. According to Beard (2003), Gen Y possesses purchasing power to a tune of $170 billion which is expected to continue growing as they progress in their careers. Moreover, by Asian automakers targeting Gen Y, this could be a sign of trust that Gen Y is a brand royal whose desires are not only to serve them as individuals, but the entire community. Marketers continue facing a big challenge in handling Gen Y who does not prefer advertising since they believe advertising cause s them to purchase products they do not require. Moreover, they view advertising as one way of increasing product price which goes contrary to their desire of lowest price possible. Analysis of the strategy behind Honda and Toyota creating new vehicles such as the Element and the Scion By both Honda and Toyota manufacturing motor vehicles such as Element and Scion, it shows their efforts in establishing a relationship with Gen Y with a view of improving their brand name (Rechtin, 2009). Notably, Honda’s strategy acknowledges Gen Y varied preferences. According to Keegan and Green (2011), Toyota and Honda are using adaptation and extension strategies to access the global market opportunities. Both automakers seem to have noted the increased purchasing power of Gen Y by becoming more innovative in meeting their needs. In this regard, they have introduced new automobiles in the market at a price within reach of majority of this age group. The rationale behind Toyota's decision t o limit the number of Scion vehicles available for sale In 2006, Jim Press, a top executive with Toyota, United States commented on limiting the number of Scion motor vehicles. He explained that any further increase in sale of this brand could only accrue benefits to the Japanese automaker although he stressed that this decision would not lead to loss of customer preference for Scion. Additionally, Jim Press said that â€Å"Scion is an incubator† that was meant to help Toyota understand the preferences of the younger generation. The rationale behind limiting Scion’s sale volume could be explained in various ways including: Scion brand could have attained maturity stage and, to remain popular with Gen Y, Toyota had to create exclusivity image for this brand (Mandel et al., 2006). If Toyota continued with production of more Scions, it could have suffered diseconomies of scales. This is because, as it continued pursuing the growing market demand, at some point the rate of input increase could equal the rate of output increase - leading to rise of unit cost. What this means is that Toyota could be needed to produce more to meet the market demand. This would also require the company to increase labor and build additional plants in order to produce more cars. More so, by limiting Scion sales volume, Toyota could build long-term brand loyalty from its existing clientele. This is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Unemployment Within the Labour Market is Primarily Voluntary Essay

Unemployment Within the Labour Market is Primarily Voluntary - Essay Example Unemployment within the Labour Market is primarily voluntary Macroeconomics is a discipline that entails structure, performance and behavior of the economy as a whole.Conversely, microeconomics is a discipline that puts emphasizes on the market behavior of individuals, consumers and organisations in the efforts to understand the decision making process of organisations and households. It is concerned with the relations of individual buyers and sellers. Both macro and micro economics play a great role pertaining to unemployment in the world especially in the United Kingdom (Wyplosz and Burda 2009) The connection between these two disciplines and policies has led to constant media attention as well as a central role in political debate (Price and Chrystal 1995). The recent slow down in the economic activity in, U.K, has raised new issues over the unemployment policy with clear evidence of failure of economic policies adopted since the election of the current government. Though there has been growth over the past few days, very little has been do ne in the reduction of unemployment. Concepts such as human and social capital have been used as the basis of analysis into this predicament. The recent certified data on a market research in the UK market shows a great drop in the unemployment although the labour market still remains extremely weak. Elevated unemployment combined with squat growth in pays is certain to persist on the economic trend in the coming days. According, to Bade and Parkin 1983, the labour survey measure by the government there has been a notable decline of rates in jobless from 16-year high of 8.4% to 8.3% in the last three months giving way to an improved labour market. ... e government there has been a notable decline of rates in jobless from 16-year high of 8.4% to 8.3% in the last three months giving way to an improved labour market. The vacancies data has also fallen as it casts doubt on whether the private sector is in a position to recruit a sufficient number of people to balance the increased rates of unemployment being experienced in the public sector. Toting up, the inflation runs at 3.5% thus affecting the pay growth that has dropped to a large extent leading to a lug on the spending of consumers and the growth of the economy though the lug is much less compared to the previous years (Taylor 2000). Concepts Human Capital and Social Capital Human capital concept denotes elaboration of the metaphorical statement, which states that education is the investment in the future. As a rule, the analytical tools that are applied to investments in this capital include a measure of stocks and rates of return to investments. This may as well be extended in order to verify the skills and knowledge applicable to an individual’s experience in the labour market (Christos 2005). Analysis carried out on the long term unemployment has proved that work experience is related to the growth of human capital. In addition, long periods of joblessness could lead to a fall in human capital, which is also known as skill atrophy. Likewise, skills can be corroded if they are not put to practice while knowledge becomes outdated if it is not updated. Thus, employment could be related to a particular set of adopted behaviours and attitudes, which include communication, punctuality, dressing mode and so on. The main effect of erosion on such behaviours is connected to prolonged unemployment (Nadiri and Arango 1981). On the other hand, Lewis and Artis 1991

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research and present how Aflac practices social responsibility and Paper

And present how Aflac practices social responsibility and ethics. Your should uncover how it successfully uses - Research Paper Example The key CSR practises that have enabled Aflac to often rank high among most of the sustainability index such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) amongst others include the multi-purpose recycling program for plastics, office papers among other wastes such aluminium metals (Aflac, 2012a; Forster, Loughran & Mcdonald 2009, p.129). Aflac has come to understand the crucial role played by CSR and ethical practises and conformity programs in promoting the brand of a company and this explains why it been in the Ethisphere list of socially responsible companies continually. This recognition is further attributed to the company dedication to engaging in activities that mutually benefit the communities in which the company operates and enhances is success while maintaining high ethical standards. Aflac focuses on three key areas; compassion, multiplicity and the ability to uphold its purpose, it is dedicated to looking after its own congregation and is mainly concerned with its miscel laneous work force. Consequently, individuals in the societies in which the company operates in have come to have expectations that, it assumes more responsibilities to the public, and this is based on the assumption that the company makes so much money at the expense of the public. It is believed by the management of Aflac that these expectations will continue to increase in the future as the company goes on expanding its activities all over the globe. In addition, the company has come up with environmentally friendly plans to ensure that its negative impact on the environment remains minimal. Thus, its participation in corporate social responsibility can be said to have increased the role of this company in the society by making sure that it participates in making the environment a better place in which to live. Because of this, the company has come to adopt the theory of corporate social responsibility, which is an approach it utilizes when dealing with the impact its business ac tivities have on the societies and the environment, in which it is involved. Corporate Social Responsibility Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibilities refer to the actions undertaken by a corporation in order to cater for the welfare of all its stakeholders i.e. its clients, employees and especially to the communities they operate in promoting social welfare. Recently, there has been questioning of the current statements about the advantages of corporate social responsibility and the declarations that companies make on behalf of their corporate social responsibility programs. In particular, it has been suggested that the use of corporate social responsibility for the sake of public relations raises ethical predicaments over the motivation of companies. There have also been warnings concerning the justifications that either companies employ may be dishonest or imprecise with regard to the practical substantiation obtained from small-scale qualitat ive researches undertaken in the 1980s, a period when the exercise of corporate social responsibility was growing rapidly (Brown 2011, p.78). There has been the suggestion that companies only

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ethics & the War on Terror Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics & the War on Terror - Assignment Example Basing on this it would be inappropriate to accord them the rights stipulated in the Geneva meeting as they are a threat to the society. Secret prisons such as the Guantanamo Bay are important in curbing terrorism. Terrorists are often scared by the thought of being taken to such prisons which have negative qualities and where only high profile law breakers are taken (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2014). The chances of escaping such harsh conditions alive are negligible and so that acts as a negative motivation to discourage the acts of terrorism. On the other hand such prisons may not be the best as the United States may not be so certain that the criminals will be accorded the right punishment as per their actions. Chances of escape are also increased. Responding to the student’s post on the Patriot Act that allows the government to access one’s texts, emails and chat messages, I concur with the argument that is presented that this is right since only the criminals have anything to hide in such conversations. This trend should therefore be upheld to address the cases of terrorisms and discourage it. The conversations often contain leading information to the criminals hide outs and their ill

Friday, August 23, 2019

Recruitment Memorandum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recruitment Memorandum - Essay Example A great majority of the fire fighters are male and white, mainly with an Italian or Irish descent. The recruitment process did not favor the minorities who had poor quality education; they were usually given essay-based tests, which they performed poorly. Another flaw that was evident in the process was insufficient advertising for the available positions; it was usually done through a word of mouth through the preexisting staff. Various aspects of the recruitment process presented lack of credibility in the recruitment process. Firstly, racial discrimination is quite evident; it is ethical and legal to give all people a fair chance in a recruitment process. However, even if the minority group is incapable of competing effectively with the dominant race, special provisions should be set for them. The current situation in the firefighting department demonstrates racism of high order. This may mean that the unrepresented races may feel insecure and may have no confidence with the services offered by the department. Secondly, the gender discrimination is a major issue that requires attention. The view that almost all the employees are male creates an impression that women are incapable of firefighting, which is not true. A special consideration should be made to incorporate women especially in areas that do not involve much use of muscle power. Thirdly, the administration of exams as the only selection criteria does not meet the threshold of identify who can serve the firefighting department best, other strategies are required. Finally, the advertisement of the vacancies is not well done. When it is only done through the word of mouth, it means a limited group of people will get the opportunity to get the information. It is obvious that the most targeted will be the relatives and friends to the existing staff members. Â  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Analyze Vygotsky with my activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyze Vygotsky with my activity - Essay Example It allowed opportunities to interact with others and share their own observations, insights and conclusions regarding the activity. Observations in the implementation of the lesson plan included children talking to each other and commenting on their task. Vygotsky recognizes the â€Å"dialogic nature of all learning†. An individual engages in dialogues whether with others or just within his thoughts and this gives rise to care, concern, compassion for both oneself and others (Crawford, 2001). Interactions are likely to go through a process called intersubjectivity. This is when two people are engaged in a task and begin from different understandings but with interaction, comes to an agreed, shared understanding. This is usually manifested when children initially debate opposite arguments but upon more understanding of the concept because of listening to each other’s opinions, will both end up seeing the concept in one direction. Such intersubjectivity is apparent when the children choose from several nonstandard objects to measure with and may initially think differently from each other as to how many of those objects will be needed to measure a body part. The children may come up with different guesses, but upon validating their guesses with measurement, they come up with one answer. The lesson plan on measurements using non-standard objects is developmentally-appropriate for Kindergarten level. At this age, children need concrete materials familiar to them to make sense of some concepts. In this case, measuring with familiar objects becomes something the children can relate to. For them, knowing that one child is one popsicle stick taller than another is more meaningful to them than knowing that the child is three inches taller than another. It is because they actually know what a popsicle stick is and how it looks and estimate

Education in Pakistan Essay Example for Free

Education in Pakistan Essay President Asif Ali Zardari signed ‘The Right to Free and Compulsory Education Bill 2012’ into law. The bill, which sought to ensure all children between five to 1 6 years of age are provided free education. He urged provincial governments to promulgate similar legislations in their respective assemblies as well. He said the responsibility for providing free education rests with both federal and provincial governments, referring to article 25-A of the Constitution. The article 25-A of Constitution of Pakistan obligates the state to provide free and compulsory quality education to children of the age group 5 to 16 years. The federal government will now provide free textbooks and uniform s to children and ensure schools have qualified teachers. Free pre-school education, early childhood care and free medical and dental inspection will also be provided to all citizens and no child will be subjected to corporal punishment â€Å"Under the law, private schools will be required to provide free education to disadvantaged students, who will comprise 10% of each class,† Zardari said, adding that school management committees will be established to persuade parents into sending their children to schools. â€Å"We will honor our international commitments and achieve the targets set by the Education for All and Millennium Development Goals initiatives. National Educational Policy 2009 Under the 18th constitutional amendment control and management of the education sector has been devolved to the provinces. They are now responsible for the key areas of the education sector i. e. curriculum and syllabus, centers of excellence, standards of education up to intermediate level (Grade 12) and Islamic education. Planning and policy and standards of education beyond Grade 12 are covered under Federal Legislative List. All the provinces have shown their commitment to the National Education Policy 2009. The National Educational Policy (NEP) 2009 is a milestone which aims to address a number of issues including: * Quality and quantity in schools and college education * Universal primary education * Improved Early Children Education (ECE) * Improved facilities in primary schools. * Converting primary schools to elementary schools * Detaching classes XI-XII from college education * Adopting a comprehensive definition of ‘free ‘education * Achieving regional and gender parity especially at elementary level the share of resources for education in both public and private sectors Accordingto the latest Pakistan Social and Living StandardsMeasurement (PSLM) Survey 2010-11, the literacyrate for the population (10 years and above) is 58percent during 2010-11.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Zara Is A Phenomenon In The Textile Industry Marketing Essay

Zara Is A Phenomenon In The Textile Industry Marketing Essay Because of its history and leadership long time in its industry, zara is one of the largest internal fashion companies, its belong to inditex one of largest distribution groups in the world. The company particular business model is customer-based and includes the design, manufacture, distribution and sale of it products through an extensive network of group owned shops. Its first store featured low-priced lookalike products of popular, higher-end clothing fashions. The store proved to be a success, and Ortega started opening more Zara stores in Spain. During the 1980s, Ortega started changing the design, manufacturing and distribution process to reduce lead times and react to new trends in a quicker way, in what he called instant fashions. The company based its improvements in the use of information technologies and using groups of designers instead of individuals. Zaras business model can be broken down into three basic components: concept, capabilities, and value drivers. Zaras fundamental concept is to maintain design, production, and distribution processes that will enable Zara to respond quickly to shifts in consumer demands. Josà © Marà ­a Castellano, CEO of Inditex stated that the fashion world is in constant flux and is driven not by supply but by customer demand. We need to give consumers what they want, and if I go to South America or Asia to make clothes, I simply cant move fast enough.    This highlights the importance of this quick response time to Zaras operations. Marketing is another key element in the production of fast fashion. Two approaches are currently being used by companies as market strategies; the difference is the amount of financial capital spent on advertisements. While some companies invest in advertising, fast fashion mega firm Primark operates with no advertising. Primark instead invests in store layout, shop fit and visual merchandising to create an instant hook. The instant hook creates an enjoyable shopping experience, resulting in the continuous return of customers. Research shows that seventy five percent of consumers decisions are made in front of the fixture within three seconds. The alternative spending of Primark also allows the retailer to pass the benefits of a cost saving back to the consumer and maintain the companys price structure of producing garments at a lower cost Production. Generally speaking we can say Zara`s competitors are all quite big competitors that have actually reached international markets, all starting from spain with huge local distribution, that makes the market quite inflexible, as they apparently are doing the same, and that customers are stable, may be because of the nature of the product.(Diana)p37 Zara produces of-the-moment fashion and has developed a very successful vertically integrated company which can design, manufacture, and distribute garments to retail stores in as little as three weeks. Zaras target market is comprised of urban, fashion-conscious consumers who shop frequently for the latest trends.    Currently under debate is a proposed upgrade to the POS system throughout the Zara chain.    With over 950 stores, this would be a huge undertaking for Inditex, Zaras parent company. The current DOS-based system meets the needs of the company, and despite some of the benefits of upgrading, it is best to continue with the current system in place. (Fortune magazine) Zara derives its competitive advantage from an astute use of information and technology. All of its stores are electronically linked to the companys headquarters near La Coruna, a midsized city on the northwest coast of Spain. Store managers monitor how merchandise is selling and transmit this information, as well as customer requests, to headquarters. The role of the store manager goes way beyond that of Gap and HM, says Wills of Goldman Sachs. Together with trend-spotters who travel the globe in search of new fashion, store managers make sure their designers have access to real-time information when deciding with the commercial team on the fabric, cut, and price points of a new garment. Sustain Competitive Advantage The concept of Quick Response (QR) is used to create new, fresh products while also drawing consumers back to the retail experience for consecutive visits. Quick response also makes it possible for new technologies to increase production and efficiency. The Spanish mega chain Zara has become the global model for how to decrease the time between design and production. This production short cut enables Zara to manufacture over 30,000 units of product every year to nearly 1,600 stores in 58 countries. New items are delivered twice a week to the stores, reducing the time between initial sale and replenishment. As a result, the shortened time period improves consumers garment choices and product availability. The SWOT analysis technique lends itself to napkin planning and snapshot insights. To conduct a SWOT analysis, draw a vertical line in the center of your napkin (or whiteboard or flipchart), intersected by a horizontal line. Now you have four quadrants where youll sketch your companys situation.(Dr. Ralph ) Web catalog sites are essentially wholesale or retail order-taking terminals. Zara is carrying products from dozens or thousands of it parent company inditex. But what is the product? Our own store is the product here. We are building an online brand that we hope will represent the kind of store where people can find and purchase just what they want. We market our product lines through HTML e-mail fliers (see, by pushing the customer to the web site saying, Come here, come to our store out of all the other choices on the Web. We have what youre looking for. One way to look at an online catalog site is as a shopping service that helps our customers find what they want among their carefully selected collection of best-of-class products. Custom services, too, can be viewed as products. One of the keys to success was to define the standard product carefully, clarifying what was included in the standard website, and what items were considered add-ons. but a 12-page website that included a single response form, custom graphic header, background, menu system, certain marketing elements, etc. When zara package its services into clearly-defined bundles, they become a product that is clear to the customer and therefore saleable. Companys service packages constitute the product line. Information products. One of the favourite sites is ; the website that includes the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica free to the visitor. What a wealth of material ; a great example of an information product (in this case, a free product). An online newspaper is another example of an information product, as well as our E-Commerce Research Room ( Zara has done a good job by subscribing the encyclopaedia. place Place is supposed to signify the physical distribution channel, getting the goods to the customer. Yes, the Internet is either the point of contact or the point of sale, but the FAILURE to consider the distribution channel dooms many online businesses. In this issue well look at the problems and the marketing decisions that online business people are forced to make. Services are typically delivered digitally online, or with the Internet used to generate leads, and the service being delivered in person by a local vendor. The Eight Essential Types of Internet Promotion 1. Search engines Many people, perhaps even a majority of people, will use search engines and the Yahoo! directory to find what theyre looking for on the Web. So the place to start in promotion is to design web pages that will be indexed well by the search engines, using descriptive titles and accurate META tags. 2. Linking strategies Linking strategies are a second essential type of site promotion. The more links pointing to the site, the more traffic it will experience (and the greater perceived popularity will rank Zara higher in the search engines). Another popular method is to join a banner exchange. For every two banners displayed on the site promoting other businesses, one of Zaras banners will be shown an another member site. The biggest exchange is Microsoft bCentral LinkExchange. Another important form of linking promotion involves paying affiliates for sales resulting from links to Zara site. 3. Viral strategies An increasingly important process is to design a strategy that encourages others to carry Zara marketing message via e-mail, using their own network of relationships ; and preferably their own resources. This is called viral marketing after the way viruses multiply rapidly in a cell, commandeering the cells resources to do the viruss bidding. The classic example is, a free e-mail system. Each e-mail message (sent by definition to a persons own friends and associates) carries a message encouraging the recipient to sign up for a HotMail account, too. Another example is postcard or greeting cards, each of which carries a message encouraging the recipient to send a card to a friend carrying the siteowners marketing message. If zara can write quality articles, we can offer them to others to use on their websites or in their newsletters, each article carrying a link to Zara website. Public relations to get press coverage is a kind of viral strategy, if the company think about it. 4. Public relations Public relations, the task of getting press coverage, is still a vital type of site promotion. News release picked up by several print and/or Internet publications its will get a tremendous boost in traffic, all for free, letting the news periodicals network carry our marketing message. Of course, nothings really free. We will need to have a truly newsworthy event, contest, free service, chat room ; or something ; or no decent publication will consider it news. Coming up with free services and events isnt inexpensive, but the ensuing publicity can be excellent ; we may get an unbiased editorial recommendations that we couldnt purchase for any amount of money. 5. Traditional media Dont discount traditional media in promoting our website ; news releases, of course, as well as paid advertising. A very effective way to promote our site is to place a small display ad in a targeted trade publication, offering some teaser copy and pointing readers to our URL or an auto-responder e-mail address for more information. This way the site serves as an online brochure, providing full information to interested shoppers day and night. A no-brainer is to make sure that all our companys literature, cards, letterheads, and envelopes carry our website URL. were immersed in the Internet, we may have forgotten that most people still get the majority of their marketing messages through traditional channels. 6. E-mail Publishing The company has to be married to an e-mail publication. The website is the shy partner who passively waits for people to come to him. But the e-mail publication is the bold, active partner who goes out to where people are and invites them to come meet her groom. Together they make a great couple. E-mail : publishing is primarily a way to conserve the people who have shown some interest in the business by coming to zara website or responding to one of the offers. One of the highest priorities of the website MUST be to get the visitor to sign up for the free newsletter or discussion list or updates publication. Offer a variety of inducements ; entry into a contest, a free gift, a free coupon ; whatever it must do to insure a steady stream of subscribers to the newsletter. Once they are subscribers ; if we give them content they enjoy and learn from ; theyll stay with Zara for years, and we can gently build their trust month after month. When theyre ready to make a purchase, the site is at the top of their mind, and theyll probably buy from Zara. With so much SPAM (unsolicited e-mail) abounding, its too easy for recipients to mistake the promotion for just another ad, and unsubscribe forever. Though an occasional promotional e-mail may be okay, the marketing messages in the context of ne ws and helpful information is much more effective, and builds loyalty that can never gain by just bombarding the customers with ads. 7. Networking An extremely important way to promote the website is through networking. Networking isnt quick, but its the basis of relationships that will grow your business through word-of-mouth over the years. 8. Paid advertising It is notice that most of the first seven types of Internet Marketing can be done in-house relatively inexpensively (with the possible exception of search engine positioning). Of course, the company may be able to find a marketing firm to which it can outsource some of these functions, but it can probably do a fine job in-house ; after all, its our business, and staffs are the one who can promote it most effectively. But there comes a point that to get wider exposure, to break into the consciousness of the thousands of people who never haunt it end of the Web, the company may need to resort to paid advertising. Paying high traffic sites or Internet publications to include a graphic or link that will channel large numbers of people to the site. There are several popular forms of paid advertising, with new approaches cropping up all the time: Pricing Strategy as Part of Zara Internet Marketing Plan Pricing Approaches Of course, pricing isnt just scientific. It has a lot to do with your particular niche on the Internet, and how youve determined you can best succeed. Here are some demand-oriented approaches to pricing: Skimming pricing. When offering a new or innovative product it can initially charge a high price, since the early adopters arent very price sensitive. Then lower prices to skim off the next layer of buyers, etc. Eventually, the price will drop as the product matures and competitors offer lower prices. Penetration pricing. Zara have to set a low initial price in order to penetrate quickly into the mass market. A low initial price discourages competitors from entering the market, and is the best approach when many segments of the market are price sensitive. Prestige pricing. Cheap products are not taken seriously by some buyers unless they are priced at a particular level. Demand-backward pricing is sometimes used by manufacturers. First, they determine the price consumers are willing to pay for a product using an approach such as Make Your Price Sell! ( ) automates. Then they work backward through the standard markups taken by retailers and wholesalers to come up with the price they can charge wholesalers for the product. Bundle pricing is offering two or more products together in a single package price. This can offer savings to both the buyer and to the seller, who saves the cost of marketing both products separately. And the customer is willing to pay more because he perceives that he is getting a lot more, even though the cost to the seller may not really be that much more. Here are some cost-oriented approaches to pricing: Standard mark-up pricing. Typically a manufacturer marks his price up 15% over his costs, a wholesaler 20% over his costs, and a retailer 40% over his costs. The retailer gets a larger markup based on the idea that, since he is closest to the end user, he is required to spend more services and individual attention meeting the buyers needs. Cost-plus pricing adds a small percentage to the retailers costs and cost plus 5% sounds so modest in ads for new cars! Ah! If only it were that simple. 🙂 Experience curve pricing assumes that it costs a company less to produce a product or provide a service over time, since learning will make them more efficient. Then there are competition-oriented approaches to pricing: Above-, at-, or below-market pricing. Certain stores advertise low cost or discount pricing. Others price at the market, while others deliberately price above-the-market at premium prices to attract prestige buyers. Loss-leader pricing works on the basis of losing money on certain very low priced advertised products to get customers in the door who will buy other products at the same time. Flexible-price policies offer the same product to customers at different negotiated prices. for example inditex, give out its product at negotiated prices. Many B2B sales depend on negotiated contracts. 8 Ways to Learn about the Site Visitors According to Dr. Ralph we can learn about our visitors in a number of ways. But before we look at any of them, our main concern has to be the issue of privacy. One of the visitors concerns is the steady erosion of his privacy. 1. Monitor E-Mail Inquiries and Complaints Its vital that the company find a way to monitor e-mail inquiries and complaints from the site visitors. Even if Zara have an employee handle this e-mail for the company, have them print out an extract of key questions and complaints so Zara can keep it finger on the pulse. Dont look at these e-mails as enemy fire; these are the friends wholl help Zara improve it site. When it spot a question occurring again and again, its a sign that it need to deal with it more fully or more visibly on the site. And, it tells Zara whats important to about visitors. 2. Provide Online Questionnaires Zara might want to create an online questionnaire with which it can gather information from the site visitors. After enough people have completed the survey, it will typically download the data file, import it into Microsoft Access or Excel, and conduct an analysis using queries or cross-tabs, and graphing. An increasing number of companies are offering survey services online. 3. Send Out E-Mail Questionnaires The strength of online forms is the ease with which the data can be collected for analysis. The downside is that online forms are essentially passive, they wait until someone comes to them. E-mail questionnaires, on the other hand, are active; the recipient can fill it out and reply without having to open a web browser. But e-mail questionnaires can be more difficult to analyze quickly. A special program must be developed to harvest information from fields delimited by brackets or some other symbol. If the recipient places an answer outside of the brackets, or gives the wrong kind of answer, the survey may have to be discarded or manually scored. E-mail questionnaires, however, may be the survey of choice because of their immediacy and ease in sending. 4. Use Cookies Strategically Another information gathering strategy is to use cookies. Cookies are tiny pieces of information that can be placed on the site visitors web browser for retrieval later. These are widely used to display banners, keep track of shopping carts, remember passwords, track affiliate referrals, etc. Lets say zara want to learn how many of the people who responded to a certain ad actually made a purchase. One way to do this is to create a special webpage URL for the ad. When someone clicks on the ad URL, they come to the special page where JavaScript code places a cookie on their web browser indicating that they came from a certain ad. When a purchase is made in the site ordering system the cookie (if any) is retrieved and a record is made of the source of the sale. 5. Examine Order Files Another way to learn about visitor shopping patterns is to analyze individual order files as well as summaries. Once a visitor places an order or provides an e-mail address, any information collected about that individual can be used to develop a personal profile. 6. Provide Site Personalization Larger company sites are employing database tools that harvest information about visitors by what products they look at or purchase, which banners they click on, etc. Then this data is merged with other databases providing demographic information by ZIP code, etc. to give a customer profile. 7. Study Your Traffic Logs Considerable data about the customers and their surfing habits can be gained from studying the traffic logs for the website. These can tell us how the visitor came to the site, browser used, route used to surf through the website, most popular pages, domain name of visitors, and much more. 8. Employ JavaScript on Your Site In addition to placing cookies, JavaScript can be programmed to harvest information contained in the visitors web browser, such as plug-ins available, the resolution of his computer monitor, operating system used, and version of browser. The information learn from each of these methods can help Zara gain a clearer picture of those visiting it site. Use the data with integrity; adhere to the privacy policy. But use what we learn about our visitors to fine-tune the website sales and revenues, and we will come out ahead. Careful attention to customer data is a major factor in distinguishing successful from unsuccessful sites. Conclusion As a conclusion, the key to successes of this strategy is the internet to see how best I can figure out a consistence marketing plan. The models are based only in empirical example, and this is likely to be a limit on the ability to generalize for such a complex environment. The plan has been able to analyze competition in the digital marketing plan which point out that Zara has been doing well despite some irregularities and little changes that need to be done. Zara has proved strong in the competitive arena of its business activity; due to it unique way of doing things which gave it a competitive advantage. Globalization challenged companies with the proposition of no national and organizational boundaries; some tools like internet were created in this time change and instability for companies, new technologies has been created in a desperate hurry to cover companies requirements. And Zar It comprises the study of different authors perspectives who have contribute in the digital marketing plan or have done a paper work on Zara clothing.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Glucosamine/Chondroitin Essay -- essays research papers

Do you know what the dietary supplement glucosamine/chondroitin is, does or can do? Do you know what the side effects are or if there are any? Do you know how it’s made or what it’s derived from? I didn’t think so, so that’s what I am here to tell you. I was playing lacrosse one day when I made a sudden move and that’s when it all went down hill. I tore the cartilage in my knee, the meniscus - a piece of cartilage that acts as a cushion - to be exact. A few days later I was talking to my Aunt Marie, a podiatrist, when she mentioned the dietary supplement glucosamine/contortion. First, let’s brake it down. What is glucosamine? Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is produced naturally in our bodies. Glucosamine can also be found in the shells of shellfish. Glucosamine is necessary for the construction of connective tissue and healthy cartilage. It is the building block of proteoglycans, which are large protein molecules that act like a sponge to hold water thereby giving connective tissue elasticity and cushioning effects. It also provides a buffering action to help protect against impacts that could cause damage to the surrounding area. Glucosamine helps to form tendons, ligaments, skin, nails, bones, mucous membranes, and other body tissue. Many studies have been put together to determine whether it effectively supplements our bodies’ glucosamine needs. Studies have shown that it can replace what the body can not produce. For example in one study, oral glucosamine stimulate...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Deceptive Advertising Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Ads Essays

Deceptive Advertising As a consumer in a world of constant advertising messages being flashed before my eyes, I am always wary of the truth of those messages that I see. It is terrible when consumers see an advertisement, whether it is in a magazine, television or any other medium, and they decide to make a purchase only to find out they are not getting what they originally planned or have to pay more than they had expected. Deceptive advertisements have been a problem since the early days of media and consumers have needed to keep an eye out for them. Yet, with so many advertisements that consumers are exposed to each day, worrying about the truth of every line and every sentence of an ad is quite inconvenient. Advertisers must follow strict guidelines to stay clear of lawsuits resulting from deceptive advertisements. I will be focusing on automobile advertisements and how consumers have been deceived through their ads.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Deceptive advertising can be described as "advertising which is misleading in a material aspect.'; (Simon 256) This definition would include all the false and misleading advertisements that would appear in print, television, radio, outdoor and direct mailings. As well as more non-traditional forms of advertising like transportation ads along with the use of pictures, trade names, display materials, labels, sales talks, sales letters, price lists and catalogs. As any consumer can see, advertisers have many means by which they can "trick'; or deceive us consumers into buying products not planned for.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unlike most tort cases that are decided in the courtroom by a judge, most deceptive advertisement claims are turned over to governmental agencies like the Federal Trade Commission. Agencies like the FTC are better suited to handle these cases because they have the necessary expertise to make proper decisions. So before an ad can be deemed deceptive, a complaint must be made to the FTC. From then an investigation can be made into the falseness and deceptiveness of the advertisement. The FTC tests to see the reaction from other consumers as to how misleading the ad is. These tests are done in the atmosphere and under the same circumstances as the actual consumer would be in. The test is based on the casual reaction of the consumer and the impression that they received from the ad. This public view of the "ordinary and truste... the consumers should have understood it. This settlement will help consumers feel more comfortable when they go through the leasing process. Hopefully, consumers won't have to worry about deceptive advertisements because advertising agencies and automobile companies will have to clearly state all the costs and conditions in a clear manner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One day I plan on purchasing a new car and it is very likely that I will lease it. This settlement between Grey Advertising and the Federal Trade Commission will put some ease to the consumer because they know that the advertisements should be truthful and they should contain all of the information necessary to make an informed decision. It will still be necessary for the consumer to read through ads completely and carefully, not relying solely on the large, bold copy of the ad. Print ads, especially automobile ads, try to be visually pleasing to the eye but there is a need for the "negative'; information to be displayed. As a general rule to the consumer, always be as informed as possible before making a purchasing decisions. Buyers beware. Works Cited Page FTC DRIVES TO END THE BLUR IN CAR LEASING ADS, (August 28, 1998)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The World Church of the Creator :: Religion Racism White Supremacy Essays

The World Church of the Creator Free speech comes in many forms, some offensive and some non-offensive. One of the more offensive sites on the Internet is the homepage for the World Church of the Creator. This site supports an extreme white supremacist point of view whose followers, from my interpretation of the site, believe that all races, except for the white race, are inferior. The site is also extremely anti-Semitic. In short, according to the site, if someone is not white and Christian, then they are no one. First, this site has an extreme belief in white supremacy. The followers of the World Church of the Creator have an extreme belief in white supremacy. For example, the slogan of the World Church of the Creator is "Let us work together to build a whiter and brighter world!" (World Church of†¦"). Throughout the numerous pages of the site, there are many references to the superiority of the white race. Their monthly publication, "The Struggle," is dedicated to "survival, expansion, and advancement of the white race." (World Church of†¦"). They even try to explain that there is a rather large biological difference between the different races of the world. The Reverend Matt Hale goes into a detailed explanation about the biological differences between races. For example, he says that: There are only two ways people can be equal. One way is to be the same physically; the other is to be the same mentally. Considering the former first, are people the same physically? No. We have tall and short, thin and fat, young and old, White and Black, strong and weak, fast and slow, plus all sorts of mediums and in-betweens. No equality is to be seen among individuals. As to differences among races, there are many differences such as head shape and facial features, physical maturity at birth, brain formation and cranial capacity, visual and auditory acuity, body size and proportions, number of vertebrae, blood types, bone density, length of gestation period, number and distribution of sweat glands, rate of infant development of alpha brain waves, fingerprints, ability to digest milk, hair forms and distribution, odor, colorblindness, genetic diseases (such as sickle cell anemia and Tay Sachs), galvanic skin resistance, pigmentation of the skin and eyes, and susceptibility to inf ectious diseases. If there are this many physical differences, it would be silly to think that there would be no mental differences, and indeed we do find that they not only exist, but are of great significance.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Toyota’s marketing strategy & practice

The total market capitalization is $507B. In terms of price performance, TATA Inc has shown the most impressive percentage change. They recorded a 2.2% increase while Daimterchryster showed a 0.25% increase. Honda co lagged behind the list of top performers with 0.13%. The lowest performers were Ford Co, Chicago, Toyota and Gen Motors with performance changes of –2.3%, 0.9%, 0.13% and 0.12% respectively. There has been a decline in the industrial gearing levels. This is because the firms are using less of debt than equity itself to finance its operations. However there is an improvement in the industrial Net Profit Margin Ratio. This can be attributed to favourable fiscal legislations, sound production and marketing strategies and technological advancement that has led to low manufacturing and selling costs. There has been a tremendous growth in market capitalization. Assuming that the market price per share was at a constant level, such growth would be attributed by a positive investor reaction/ confidence in the sector. KEY COMPETITORS Honda motors Tata motor company Ford motor company Daimlerchrysler Inc The automobile motor industry has been experiencing a fast growth. The decline in the average industrial gearing ratio sends positive signals to potential investors since it suggests low financial risk. The firms would also be able to borrow more from external sources without adversely affecting their liquidity. Tremendous improvements on profit may however attract new entrants into the industry thus diluting the market powers/ shares of the incumbents. MARKETING MIX PRODUCT MIX Toyota plc manufactures a wide range of vehicle brands. These include Hilux, Prius, RAV 4, Avents, Amazon among others. The company also specializes in the manufacture and sale of robots and heavy self propelling machines like tractors. They also offer consultation services on motor manufacture and design. Toyota sells its products to the US, Europe and Africa.PROMOTION Toyota uses a vast range of marketing strategies to market its fleet of products. These include the internet (website), radio and television. Others include magazines, billboards and also through trade exhibitions usually held at its points of sale. Public relations is also adopted by the company for instance through press releases and conferences. It also accomplishes this by sponsoring of clubs and other associations who use the company’s logo in their sportswears. The company also indulges in sales promotions where vehicles are freely offered with a view to attract more customers in the long- term. PRICE In order to arrive at the price at which to offer for sale for its products, Toyota considers quite a number of significant factors. These are:- The cost and availability of materials needed in the manufacturing process. Labor costs for all the staff i.e. production, assembly, marketing and top directors. Distribution costs i.e. costs associated with the final delivery of goods/ products to their customers. To avoid understanding their manufacturing costs, overheads are absorbed and allocated into the cost units. And using a given mark-up normally determined by the management, the price is determined. The company also does price discrimination as a marketing strategy. Prices vary depending on the financial capability of the respective customers. Price also varies with seasons with high prices being charged during the boom period and low prices during the recessionary economic conditions. Price also varies depending on the mode of payment whether cash or hire purchase. PLACEMENT/ DISTRIBUTION The company’s headquarters are based in the UK. It has many distribution centers worldwide. This is important for Toyota as it enables their products closer to the customers. The Company’s employee workforce approximates 3700.The team comprises of highly competent staff who are both motivated and committed to the achievement of the overall objectives of the firm. The firm has a sufficient mechanism of processing customer’s orders as and when required, at times online. Inventory is properly managed by keeping optimum inventory levels. This maintains both the ordering and holding costs at a minimum. INTERNAL MARKET STRATEGY The host Country for the firm to enter shall be France. France is well known for the manufacture and sale of highly merchandised Peugeot cars through PSA Peugeot inc.It is rich in technology and becoming a partner with a company from such a state would give Toyota economies of scale advantages. The country enjoys a central location and would serve as the most appropriate distribution center. MODE OF ENTRY Toyota shall liase with PSA Peugeot through strategic partnership. This would be the most ideal because profits and losses would be shared at an agreed proportion between the two partner companies. Partnership also gives the company(s) taxation advantages since dividends would not be subjected to taxation. Partnerships are also easy to initiate compared to other modes that are characterized by complicated legal procedures and conformation with International Financial Reporting Standards. With partnership, it is easy to incorporate as many new entrants in the long run so long as they are limited to 20. REFERENCE Read also: Reed Supermarkets: a New Wave of Competitors

Friday, August 16, 2019

Concussions: Traumatic Brain Injury and Moderate Concussion

Concussions A concussion is a clinical syndrome of traumatic brain injury (TBI) also referred to as mild brain injury (MBI), is characterized by immediate but transient posttraumatic impairment of the brain function. Mental confusion, alteration of mental status, and amnesia are hallmarks of concussion symptoms that may or may not also include the loss of consciousness. It temporarily interferes with the way your brain works, and it can affect memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, balance, coordination, and sleep patterns.A concussion may result when the head hits an object or a moving object strikes the head. A concussion can result from a fall, sports activities, and car accidents. Significant movement of the brain can cause you to lose alertness. How long you remain unconscious may be a sign of the severity of the concussion. However, you don't always involve a loss of consciousness. Most people who have a concussion never black out. You can have a concussion and not realize it. The re are three grades to scale a concussions severity.Grade 1 is considered a mild concussion that has no loss of consciousness; posttraumatic amnesia lasting less than thirty minutes. Post concussion signs and symptoms other than amnesia lasting less than twenty-four hours. Grade 2 is a moderate concussion, loss of consciousness lasting less than one minute. Posttraumatic amnesia lasting longer than thirty minutes but less than twenty-four hours: postconcussion signs and symptoms lasting longer than twenty-four hours but less than seven days.Grade 3 is a severe concussion, which consist of loss of consciousness lasting more than one minute or posttraumatic amnesia lasting longer than twenty-four hours. The postconcussion signs and symptoms will last longer than seven days. There are several things a doctor can do to test an athlete or a patient for a concussion. The doctor will perform a physical exam and check your nervous system. There may be changes in your pupil size, thinking ab ility, coordination, and reflexes.Tests that may be performed include: EEG  which is a brain wave test it may be needed if seizures continue, head CT  scan, and MRI of the head. Many signs that a doctor can look for are altered levels of consciousness such as drowsy, hard to arouse, or similar changes, confusion or feeling spacey, headache, loss of consciousness, memory loss such as events before the injury or immediately after, nausea or vomiting, seeing flashing lights, and feeling like you have â€Å"lost time†.If the concussion occurred during a sporting event and resulted in a headache, confusion, or change in alertness, a trained person must determine when that person can return to playing sports. Healing or recovering from a concussion takes time. It may take days, weeks, or even months. You may be irritable, have trouble concentrating, unable to remember things, headaches, dizziness, and blurry vision. These problems will probably go away slowly. You may want to g et help from family or friends before making important decisions.There is a testing that is call ImPACT testing that you test each athlete before physical activity. ImPact stands for Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing. Then in the case of a concussion they can take the athletes after and retest them on their memory skills. ImPACT provides computerized neurocognitive assessment tools and services that are used by medical doctors, psychologists, athletic trainers and other licensed healthcare professionals to assist them in determining an athlete’s ability to return to play after suffering a concussion.

How to Fix Social Security Number Essay

The social security numbers (SSN) are used to identify participants in the federal government’s social security program, which uses public funds to provide retirement and disability benefits for those who those who are currently eligible, same benefits goes to the worker himself and his family. It is the Social Security Agency (SSA) that provides the social security number (www. standord. edu). The social security number is unique to every individual holder; this is why the government and other agencies used it primarily for identification and administrative purposes. Thus, it can be used for several transactions in the bank, in school or in the company where you work. However, it can be very vulnerable for identity theft. When such instances occur, several steps should be undertaken. If someone knew your number, he can acquire personal information’s about you and used your name either for work purposes or to get credit. File a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission through internet (www. consumer. gov/idtheft) or telephone (1-877-IDTHEFT [1-877-438-4338]). You can also check your social security statement to determine if there are errors in your earnings account. If someone uses your SSN for credit, contact the creditor who approved the credit then file a police report. Call or e-mail fraud department of any of the following credit agencies: Equifax, www. equifax. com; Experian, www. experian. com and TransUnion, www. transunion. com, to help fix your credit records (www. ssa. gov). You can ask them to place a flag on your records that requires the creditors to contact you before approving credits under your name and number, indicate how long your account will be flag and request for a statement on your credit report, however be sure to put your name and contact information for them to call you (www. pueblo. gsa. gov). Another option is to get a new SSN, however it is not guaranteed that it will solved the problem, and you can also contact the Security System for more of your inquiries (www. socialsecurity. gov). References Bechtel International Center. 2006, April 18. Social Security Number. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from, http://www. stanford. edu/dept/icenter/new/orientation/SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER. htm Social Security Online. 2007. Identity Theft And Your Social Security Number. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from, http://www. pueblo. gsa. gov/cic_text/money/idtheftssn/yourssn. html Social Security Online. 2008, January 14. When Someone Else Uses Your Social Security Number. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from, http://www. ssa. gov/oig/hotline/when. htm

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Focal Point Consultants Essay

While observing CanGo for last two weeks we at FPC (Focal Point Consultants ) have identified some six major issue that we feel should be addressed to allow the organization to better achieve there over all goals. First Concern—Priority 1 CanGo appears to have a financial issue and there is has not been a complete audit to address this issue. Also CanGo needs to learn how to use the resources that they already have and redefine the processes and procedures. First Recommendation The financial team at CanGo needs to work with all the key areas of the company to conduct an audit of current processes. This audit will allow for everyone to review all the current processes that are in place and determine what they can do to enhance them and at the same time the financial team can use this data to outline how much the current processes are costing the company overall. At the conclusion of this analysis the reports will allow for the company to cut spending in the correct areas so that they can improves the others. There are many things that can be done to make improvements without spending money or having to acquire new technology or devices. Within the warehouse for example the layout can be enhanced even more so that people are not wasting time walking. Minor and Major changes to just the layout will allow the CanGo to improve efficiency and overall performance. Each department head needs to complete a detailed time study on the processes they outlined above. Once this time study is complete then the data can be used to see what is taking the longest and make changes to that process. By taking these steps it will allow CanGo to approach improvements in the correct manner by taking those actions that don’t have ny hit to the company’s bottom line. After all these types of changes are complete that is when and only when money should be spent on new technology and devices to make processes more efficient. Second Concern—Priority 2 The loyalty of customers for the specific targeting market is declining. Second Recommendation Think about how you want to be treated as a consumer. Now apply that same concept to the targeting market. Review the evaluations that are submitted by the consumers. It will tell what impression the company is making. Also, spend time in the Customer Service department. This the first point of contact for consumer. How they are handle will determine whether a consumer will return: Customer service might just be the most critical of all in running your business. If your customers like how they are treated, not only will they keep coming back, but they will refer you to others. Treating customers as individuals and not as a stepping stone up your ladder of success can go a long way. Listen to their concerns and build a relationship with them. If your customer feels as though you have their best interest they will be loyal to you. Your customers can really do a lot of your marketing for you. Word of mouth, especially in a world where Facebook and Twitter are some people’s main way of communicating, is a very powerful tool (Debs Marketing Connections, 2012). Third Concern – Priority 3 Online purchases CanGo has talked about that they have a high rate of items added to the online shopping cart. Although this information does not support the amount of purchases actually received via CanGo’s online website. Third Recommendation  Having a high rate of items added to an online shopping cart means that you have a good storefront and getting customer’s to actually place the items within there shopping carts. This is only one piece of the multipart puzzle. The shopping site needs to be enhanced to entice the customer to actually complete their purchase as that is how we are going to make money overall. Since there is a high traffic volume to the website we would also recommend that the marketing team reach out to a third party website advertising company that will pay to place ads on CanGo’s website. This will drive also be another source of revenue for CanGo so they can then reinvest this money back into the company. Fourth Concern – Priority 4 While Reviewing the video’s from weeks 3 and 4 I saw a issue that they is an issue within the warehouse and they do have a solution but no really reviewed the reports that Debbie provided. I think that these reports should have been reviewed while in the meeting so that they could have discussed all the points of the issue and the recommended solution to the warehouse productivity issue. Then Liz asked the group a question I wonder how the board will feel about this recommendation. Fourth Recommendation A solution to this problem would be to complete a full audit of the issue and do a trial run analysis of the proposed solution. This would allow for recommendations to be made to the board and the results of the proposed solution can be given right away. As people need to see measurable figures so that they can tell if something will be worth putting the time and money into the project. Fifth Concern – Priority 5  In the week 4 Videos they are talking about the market segment of boys in Japan. They ask each other questions about how they can get the market analysis complete and then the gentlemen having lunch say that I will do it. Fifth Recommendation There are a couple of thing on this problem that needs to be solved first managers should not interrupt an employee’s lunch unless it is extremely urgent. This is an issue because the employee stated he is â€Å"Just trying to enjoy my lunch break†. The Manager should have approached the employee at a later time when he was not at lunch. Then there is the issue of the market analysis. This assignment should get assigned out to a third party marketing company that can tap into the market in Japan and gauge what the consumer wants. This would be a lot more cost effective than attempting the complete this analysis on their own and wasting resources that they don’t have in the first place. Sixth Concern – Priority 6 Sales are not increasing as projected for the company possibly due to the design of the online purchasing process. Sixth Recommendation Place a test run on the current online purchase process as a consumer. Time the entire process to see how long it takes. As the test run is being completed, keep the consumers’ needs and wants in mind. Determine if needs were met as well as satisfied. View the information available to see if it’s appealing to lead to the purchase the item. Also, notate likes and dislikes of the experience. Have a group of employees to assist to gather more information for comparison. Determine what updates can be implemented to entice the consumer to make a purchase. Keep track of different trends to keep a competitive edge for things like: 1.  In-store pick up. In the past few months we’ve seen Walmart implement in-store pick up for orders placed online, while Sears and Kmart are going a step further bringing online purchases out to your car. In Chicago, Sears and Kmart are even testing home delivery and bundling items with those from its retail partners at Sears’ Marketplace, further blurring the lines between online only retailers and those that came before. And in Florida, Farm Stores lets shoppers order groceries online and pick up at a drive through. 2. Pick up depots.  Smaller retailers without a vast network of stores like Walmart or Sears may open designated pick up locations for goods ordered online. Retail consultant Neil Stern of McMillan/Doolittle points to French retailer Chronodrive. com as an example. 3. Mobile Apps. Smartphones are the dominant cell phone and apps for all platforms are growing. The ones that allow for price comparisons or send out coupons are already among the most heavily used with good reviews, but we’re just getting started. 4. Less flash more function. Forget about flashy apps or features like virtual dressing rooms.  Consumers haven’t responded to these and rightly so. Maybe the technology will get there, but until it does, user reviews are better gauges of clothing fit and quality than any technology can offer. 5. Video. Look for more user-generated video on retail sites. Retailers are letting customers upload video clips modeling new clothes or using a new purchase. Davis believes this is one trend that will definitely pick up speed. 6. Social networking. Facebook and Twitter aren’t even close to played out yet. Consumers can increasingly â€Å"like† or follow a favorite retailer and get discounts or tips on deals.  JCPenney is using Facebook to actually sell goods and more than 12 million consumers â€Å"like† Victoria’s Secret on Facebook as of last month (March), making it the most popular retailer on the site (its Pink brand ranks No. 2, according to the ChannelAdvisor Facebook Commerce Index). That’s an active population of customers reaching out and requesting information from the retailer. And social shopping is just getting started, says Jim Okamura, managing partner at Okamura Consulting, a group specializing in online retail. There’s evidence (that Facebook offers) a good return on investment and there are a lot of retailers that haven’t done anything yet,† he says. â€Å"This is going to be the year of Facebook testing. 7. Daily deals and flash sales. This may seem like a very crowded playing field, but sites like Ruelala and OneKingsLane are reproducing at a furious pace. And based on how quickly many items sell out, often within minutes of email notifications going out, more will jump on this popular trend. 8. Retail based social networks. This is one trend experts don’t expect to happen at any large level. Sears is still trying to build a social network of its own customers and Walmart tried and abandoned a similar effort, neither attempt bodes well for its success. Facebook really owns this space, but look for small, focused sites to create communities of like-minded users, says Okamura. 9. International. â€Å"There’s been an accelerating trend in international or cross border e commerce, of small niche online retailers are now doing 10-20% of their sales outside of their own country,† says Okamura. Look to online shops like SousVide Supreme that sells specialized cooking equipment and StyleTrek. com, a community built to launch up and coming international designers as models. Other big name retailers like Zara and Top Shop are building out their online business to reach U. S. shoppers, even as the store base grows more slowly. 10. Deal aggregators. Of course there are always deal sites, like Dealnews, ConsumerSearch, FatWallet and Brad’s Deals that are cutting through the din of so many sites and sales to bring consumers only the information they’re interested in. (Forbes, 2012).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Moments of dramatic tension Essay

Choose two scenes which you consider to be particularly interesting moments of dramatic tension. Write about why they are especially dramatic and why they are important in the play  For this essay I am going to concentrate on the scene at the end of act one in ‘A View from the Bridge’ by Arthur Miller. In the previous scene Eddie, the main character, has just been to see Alfieri, a lawyer who once represented Eddie’s father and also the narrator for this play, for legal and moral advice on what to do. Eddie is confused and needs someone to kick him in the right direction. I know this because Alfieri said that â€Å"his eyes looked like tunnels†. Eddie feels that Rodolfo is gay and is only after his passport. Another reason Eddie is confused is that he loves Catherine too much. Alfieri has just told Eddie that there is nothing that Eddie can do apart from go to the Immigration Bureau or accept the situation and be happy for the two. This leads into this essay’s scene. It is set in the apartment and opens with Catherine talking about Marco and Rodolfo’s trip to Africa. I believe that the tension begins to grow when Eddie dismisses her excitement. I think this because I believe Eddie is trying to not think about Rodolfo so is saying ‘so what if they have’. It is obvious that Eddie really is interested when he says â€Å"How long that take you, Marco†. Eddie is directing this conversation at Marco and has taken Rodolfo out of the conversation. This shows that Eddie does not like Rodolfo and would rather not think of him. The conversation then carries awhile the tension decreases and the entire family is now into the conversation. Eddie then belittles Beatrice in front of everyone. Beatrice never knew that sardines could not be caught with a hook. I think that this the tension increases with this. Eddie and Beatrice’s relationship has not been smooth lately and this didn’t help.  To release the tension Eddie comes up with a joke. He says that oranges are green and are painted to give them colour. Rodolfo then belittles Eddie by saying pointing out the obvious and saying that lemons are green. I believe he did this because the one of the themes of the book is family loyalty and I think he said this to get revenge for Beatrice. This causes the tension to develop more. Eddie does not want to even talk to Rodolfo let alone be disrespected by him. The tension is then released by Beatrice who changes the topic. This conversation too caries on for sometime and Eddie makes another joke. Eddie says â€Å"they count the kids and there’s a couple extra than when they left?† Rodolfo then says that it is stricter in Italy than it is in Brooklyn. Eddie gets offended by this because Rodolfo is saying that American girls (e.g. Catherine) are easier. I believe that the dramatic tension at this point is higher than any part before it. Miller shows the tension by writing stage directions for Eddie to rise and pace up and down. There is then a conversation between Eddie and Rodolfo. Eddie is comparing Rodolfo and Catherine’s relationship to how one would be in their town in Italy. Beatrice takes Rodolfo’s side in this argument as she knows where it is going. Marco takes Eddie’s side as he doesn’t want any trouble. Marco also tells Rodolfo off and it is clear that Marco wants this argument to end. An argument begins between Beatrice and Eddie then. They are arguin g whether a person is safer during the day or at night. The tension is still on ‘high alert’ when Catherine asks Rodolfo to dance deliberately to annoy Eddie and show him that nothing will come between the two’s relationship. Rodolfo decides not to as he knows that he has already pushed Eddie enough but eventually gives in.  Once again Beatrice lowers the tension by changing the topic. The focus goes back to fishing and it is soon revealed that Rodolfo can cook. Once Eddie hears about it he talks and implies Rodolfo’s homosexuality but Rodolfo takes it as a compliment. Catherine says that he could get a lot of money with these skills and Eddie agrees with her. Eddie says that if he had the skills he would be no where near the waterfront. The tension is rising again as Miller then wrote that Eddie was â€Å"unconsciously twisting the newspaper†. Everyone knows what he is doing so he carries on the speech. While he is talking the newspaper rips in half. I think that this gets everyone nervous and the scene gets more tense. I believe that it signified Eddie getting an idea in his head, like a light bulb above someone on TV when they get an idea. He asks Marco if he wants to go to see a fight next week. He also asks Rodolfo trying to see his reaction. Boxing is a masculine sport and he thought he was asking a ‘woman’. Catherine believes that Eddie is being nice now so she goes to get some coffee. At this point of the scene I think that it is not as tense as it just was but I think that everyone is still nervous. Eddie and Rodolfo then begin to spar and I believe that the audience are now at the edge of their seats waiting to see what will happen. Everyone is impressed thinking that Eddie is making the effort to try to like Rodolfo, but then Eddie comes with a trick attack and lands a blow on Rodolfo. It then becomes clear what Eddie’s intensions were, he wanted an excuse to take his anger on Rodolfo out. Rodolfo does not want to make anything worse so he says that it didn’t hurl him and only surprised him. The tension once again is high and Rodolfo asks Catherine to dance to annoy Eddie. He is sayin g that nothing will get between Catherine and his relationship. Marco then comes and sits a chair in front of Eddie. He challenges him to lift to it from the bottom with one hand. Eddie thinks that this will be easy but soon finds out that it isn’t when he fails. Marco then lifts it above his head to show that he is stronger. Until now Marco had always been on his side by apologising for his brother, Rodolfo, but Eddie has now lost his only supporter. The tension rises as they stare at each other and Marco smiles. Another thing that adds tension here is the stage directions. They say that Marco held the chair ‘like a weapon’. This creates tension as it shows that Marco is threatening Eddie. The scene finished with the tension very high and with Eddie physically threatened. In this scene Arthur Miller has used many ways to show the tension rising. One of these was writing the stage directions. This creates visual images which are really important as they stress the tension; it shows the reader what the audience sees and also shows the tension. Another way he showed the tension was by making the sentences longer. This slows down the pace of the play and created tension. Another way he shows tension is by adding pauses. These add silence and make the audience/reader want to know what happens next. It also gives a moment for the tension to rise.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Business Plan Assignment

Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Business Plan - Assignment Example r is going to produce high quality and natural fruit juice using three different fruits appropriate for every age group and will be based on the fact that fruits and fruit juices are popular among Kuwaitis. The fruit bar will serve coconut, pure melon, and sugarcane juice in clear cups in a way that no one in the market is doing. The target market for Fruiti Oasis Juice Bar is the upper and middle class people of Kuwaiti City, particularly those who are working in the City for both males and females. The business will be able to target the elderly who do not want to take additional and fancy ingredients, as well as the younger generation between 25 and 45 who would are increasingly health conscious. Moreover, there are mothers who do not want their children to use products that are unnatural. It is the business management’s opinion that this will allow the juice bar to target a wide range of demographic customers, including children, young people, and the elderly. A PEST and SWOT analysis are also carried out to determine market suitability. Kuwaiti City does not have exclusive juice bars and, although businesses like ice-cream parlors, bakeries, fast-food shops, and restaurants also serve fruit juices, they only do so as an alternative to their main business. Kuwaiti City does not have exclusive juice bars and, although businesses like ice-cream parlors, bakeries, fast-food shops, and restaurants also serve fruit juices, they only do so as an alternative to their main business. Media used for promotion will include billboards, newspapers, and the internet. The business will be located in a highly visible retail location, which will either be within a mall-type setting in an area with high traffic or as a stand-alone property that is in an area with high human traffic. This property is going to be a rented one because it would be unwise to buy property, as property prices in Kuwait City are very high. With regards to layout, the logo for the company will be