Sunday, October 6, 2019

BENCHMARK PROJECT Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BENCHMARK - Statistics Project Example This survey was conducted on beach situated around my area of residence. On that note, I employed some basic observational skills in a bid to try and answer some of the questions in the objective list. Evidently, through monitoring the activities in the beach during the weekends I was able to achieve the goals of this study. However, in a bid to establish the most commonly engaged activity in the beach, I was able to count the number of people engaging in various activities for instance, swimming, surfing and others just went to the beach to enjoy the view of the ocean. Apparently, the main reason for the use of simple observational skills in this study was because it was not a time consuming method as compared to other statistical methods for instance interviews. Secondly, it required minimal resources to carry out the study hence it is economical. On other hand, in a bid to achieve an unbiased study, the observations were carried out for three weekends in order to justify the claim s and ensure accuracy in the results. In this particular observational study, the sample population wasthe people present in the beach during the period in which the study was carried out. In addition to that, on the particular weekend in which the study was carried out, there were approximately five hundred people. On that note, the study was able to yield the following results; the survey was able to conclude that seventy percent of people who went to the beach engaged in swimming activities. Fifteen percent embarked on surfing activities,fivepercent engaged in beach games for instance, volley ball and beach soccer and the rest were in attendance to enjoy the view of the ocean. In short, the survey was able to conclude that swimming was the most popular engaged activity in the beach. Consequently, this survey has a number of significance to our society. Apparently, this survey has been able to highlight that in the beach area, many

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