Saturday, June 8, 2019

My personal response Essay Example for Free

My person-to-person response EssayPersonally I dont like Holmes as he comes off to me as an arrogant, self-absorbed person. When Roylott storms in and compares him to the constabulary Holmes says Fancy his having the insolence to confound me with the official detective force Here he is saying that he is so much better than the police force and that he is stupid for comparing him to it. He is also very calm and not easily surprised as shown again when Roylott storms in, Sherlock answers him When you go out close the door, for there is a decided draught. He completely ignores the fact that Roylott is very angry,Then there is Dr Roylott who is described as indulging in ferocious quarrels. , having a Violence of temper approaching to mania , being the Terror of the village and Absolutely uncontrollable in his anger Helen told Holmes of how he threw the topical anaesthetic blacksmith into a stream, Roylott was portrayed as a very dangerous man. Conan Doyle wrote him well by buildi ng up a hate towards him that by the end when he died we have no sympathy for him just like Holmes.Lastly there is Helen Stoner who is petrified of Roylott and what she thought was impending death. When she arrives at Holmes residence she was shaking and when Holmes asked whether she was cold she replied It is not cold which makes me shiver, It is fear, Mr. Holmes. It is terror. She is very open with Holmes as I think she is really confused and just desires to know what happened to her sister as when Holmes says that he has a possibleness Helen gets very angry because he wont tell her.Sherlock Holmes is very good at maintaining interest and creating suspence mainly because he is very good with the lyric he chooses. Firstly Conan Doyle loves to use personification, stuff like It was a wild night, or gathering darkness this works as it adds a more personal feeling by writing actions or feelings which happens to us and linking them with objects.He also uses mysteriousness about obje cts, animals or people just to get us hooked and we want to know more about it and it makes many questions in our heads which we want answered and we try to guess only to be surprised by the final twists and turns in the plot.When Conan Doyle sets the look he uses many feelings and adjectives describing the place.A moment later we were out on the dark road, a chill wind blowing in our faces, and one yellow come down twinkling in front of us through the gloom to guide us on our sombre errand.There was little difficulty in entree the grounds, for unrepaired breaches gaped in the old park wall.This creates strong images in our head by using joints like gaped and sombre with each individual word adds a little piece of the picture.Conan Doyle also adds strength to the picture by using strong versions of dustup like boomed and wild instead of weak words like called or rough.My personal response to the book is that I didnt really enjoy the plot of the story but the way that Conan Doyl e writes is amazing and it is blatant wherefore he is so highly valued as a writer. I also enjoyed the way he described the settings and characters and used red herrings to have a big surprise twist at the end which was very thrilling reading.

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